Also commands using the amework for encoding and decoding Base64 strings are not supported in pre Mac OS X 10.8 systems. However, some commands - like AST find regex - use non posix features which require Mac OS X 10.8 or later. As of version 2.0.6 the osax os compiled against Mac OS X 10.12 (Sierra) SDK. However the osax loading mechanism is the same as in Mac OS X 10.6 and technically it should be able to load on systems older than 10.11. The minimum system requirement is Mac OS X 10.11. These can be somewhat complex and require an increased level of knowledge and ability - which misses one of AppleScript’s original purposes: to “Script your desktop in an easy to learn language.” The intention of AppleScript Toolbox is to keep AppleScript as simple as it is in its vanilla form while providing powerful commands to ease the achievement of tasks in your work flows - and with the highest possible performance. The reason for writing and releasing it is that current ways of extending AppleScript’s functionality mostly involve coding in AppleScriptObjC or shell scripts. It will be a constantly evolving project with frequent updates containing new and improved commands. “OSAX”) providing commands not available in regular AppleScript. AppleScript Toolbox is a scripting addition/AppleScript-plugin (a.k.a.